Vuelio Media Database

The largest database of media contacts

A must-have resource for communications professionals

We make sure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information about journalists, bloggers, national and local press, broadcast channels…all of the world’s media, right at your fingertips. 

What you get:

– All media contacts: journalists, editors, bloggers, national and local press

– A comprehensive guide to both traditional and emerging media

– Pitching preferences, preferred contact methods and other key details to guide your outreach

– World’s best integrated comms software

Our Clients:

What makes us different:

Vuelio’s media database is a must-have resource for communications professionals. Our global research team updates our database every day, with an approach that combines the latest technology with one-to-one media relationships. 

With our search tool, using our media database is easier than ever. You can quickly filter contacts by media type, regions and interests, allowing you to identify the most relevant people to share your story with, and learn the best approaches for reaching them.

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