Vuelio Media Database

Media Contacts Database

We’re the PR industry’s most powerful media database, listing more than 1 million records: influencers, outlets and opportunities from nearly 200 countries.
It’s the largest UK database of journalists, editors, bloggers and other media contacts, full of the information you need to succeed: names, numbers, profiles, pitching preferences, and pet hates…

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Our Clients:


Reach the media contacts that matter to you

Find the right influencers by tapping into the most comprehensive source of media contacts, outlets and editorial calendars. Our media contacts database contains in depth profiles including contact preferences, topics of interest, personal pet peeves and biographical information – everything you need to build relationships with the people who matter to you.

Build accurate, real-time media lists

Rest assured that you’ll always reach the right person at the right time with the Vuelio media database. Build up-to-date media lists of the influencers that you want to reach and easily target contacts based on sector, interests, coverage topics, location and more. What’s more, all contacts in our database are verified by our in-house research team, who make sure that all our data is accurate and up-to-date.

Identify the social influencers reaching your audience

Uncover the social influencers who are writing about your topic right now—and get their contact information, pitching preferences and understand their social influence. Our UK database of 11,000 blogger profiles scored using our unique influencer rating, helps you identify and track the right bloggers for your campaign. Our influencer profiles include both online and offline contact details alongside their recent social activity, allowing to keep your finger on the pulse of every conversation.