Supercharge your public affairs strategy- engage with MPs

Engaging with MPs is a vital part of any public affairs strategy, but it’s also one of the biggest challenges that public affairs professionals will face. Identifying who to approach is one thing, but getting your voice heard is another. How do you stand out, given the huge number of emails landing in MPs’ inboxes every day?

  • Be clever with contact. Once you’ve identified the parliamentarians you want to engage with, it may be tempting to jump straight in and email the MP directly. However it’s rare that they will be the first to read their emails, and the high volume of correspondence that is sent to their main address may limit the impact that yours has. A far more effective way of getting to MPs is through contacting their staff – an event invitation sent directly to a parliamentary assistant will have far greater chance of being seen by the right person.
  • Do your research. A successful public affairs strategy will have a foundation of engaged MPs who you can work with to inform the political debate. To build this base, you need to identify the right MPs to engage with based on which select committees they sit on, which APPGs they’re part of, and which issues they speak out on during debates. Social media is also a great way to keep track of interests which MPs may not necessarily list officially, but which could be a key part of your engagement strategy. This could be which sports team they support, their favourite charity or recent events they’ve attended.
  • Never lose track of your interactions. This is crucial, as the last thing you want to do is duplicate efforts across your team or engage with a new staff member when your organisation already has strong relationships with another. By tracking and saving all communications taking place across your team, you can rest assured that no one is left out of the loop.

Find out more or request a demo of the Vuelio political database here.

Social and online media react to #Budget2017

Philip Hammond’s first (and last) Spring Budget pulled few punches, with the main surprises coming in the form of tax increases for the self-employed and a notable absence of Brexit. The online press, social media and blogger-sphere were quick to respond – how did they react to the policy announcements?

While it certainly wasn’t a groundbreaking Budget, Hammond’s tax hike for self-employed earners overshadowed all other policy announcements online. The NIC increase came as a surprise to many given the dominance of self-employed workers in Conservative constituencies, and the more conservative press has today rounded on the Chancellor for betraying the ‘typical’ conservative value of entrepreneurism.

There have been suggestions that social care funding, which Hammond was criticised for supposedly ignoring in the Autumn Statement, has been allocated at the expense of the NHS. While sentiment analysis of “social care” mentions suggests that the increase in funding was generally well received online, corresponding mentions of the NHS were far more negative – indicating that the public saw the social care investment as part of a zero-sum game for UK health.


Social media response to budget issues graph (002)-1489069465413


For more analysis and reaction from journalists, opposition MPs and stakeholder organisations, download Vuelio’s 2017 Budget Summary here.


Spring Budget 2017 | Summary, Media Analysis & Stakeholder Reaction


While it certainly wasn’t a ground breaking Budget, Hammond’s tax hike for self-employed earners overshadowed all other policy announcements on social media.

So, what were the other main takeaways from the budget according to the media and stakeholders?

Spring Statement 2017









We’ve included a full summary of the Spring Budget and analysis of the media reaction, as well as an overview of assessments and key takeaways from experts. See what issues grabbed the media’s attention with our analysis of the media and stakeholder reaction to the Budget.

Fill out the form to download it now.

The 3 Steps to Building Influencer Relationships

Building relationships is not easy.

Whether you are looking to connect with journalists, bloggers or other influencers, we can show you how to increase your chances of being heard, create lasting partnerships and get great results in 3 easy steps.

Our tipsheet will help you:

  • Increase your chances of being heard
  • Create lasting partnerships
  • Improve your influencer campaign results


Download ‘The 3 Steps to Building Influencer Relationships’ tipsheet now.

Influencers react to the #HousingWhitePaper

Sajid Javid has promised that today’s white paper will ”set out serious, lasting, long-term reforms that will boost housing supply immediately and for many years to come”. Strong words from the Secretary of State, but will these reforms go far enough, and will they be any different than what has come before?

There are a few issues which have certainly stood out on social media. In a move which many are viewing as appeasement towards the Conservative core electorate, the white paper reaffirms current constraints on building on the Green Belt, unless local authorities find themselves in ‘’exceptional circumstances’.  The Government is also proposing ‘family friendly’ tenancies of three years or more, and is promising to move forward with plans to ban letting agents’ fees – although there is no confirmation as to when that will be.

Take a look at the Vuelio Canvas for a roundup of the latest reaction to the white paper, from influencers across the political and media spectrum.

housing white paper canvas


Brexit White Paper Summary

How will Brexit impact your organisation?

With the White Paper published and a vote in favour of triggering Article 50, the Government is one step closer to beginning negotiations with the EU.

And with future trade and policy agreements up for grabs, now’s the time to engage with decision makers and ensure the final deal reflects your organisation’s needs.

As the Government gets stuck into negotiations, you need to keep track of conversations taking place in Parliament, your stakeholder community and on social media and – to give you the best chance to prepare for what’s next.

Our Brexit White Paper Summary will provide you with all the key points you need to know from today’s release.

Download the Brexit White Paper Summary now.

PR in the Post-Truth Era

How will the post-truth era impact on the PR industry?

In this era dominated by Brexit, the Trump presidency and the rise of the alt-right and the alt-left, post-truth news is very much (and rather ironically) fact rather than fiction. 

After all, we know the truth will never get in the way of a good story.

One thing is for sure, a post-truth approach can get results. But it’s not without its risks and potential to backfire.

Our new white paper ‘PR in the Post-Truth Era’ explores how PRs should engage with media in this new age, the opportunities and threats in this fast changing world and how to explore the potential and survive the pitfalls of post-truth.

Download our survival guide, PR in the Post-Truth Era now.

Top Tips and Trends for PR & Marketing in 2017


In the past year we spoke to many high profile PR and comms practitioners, who shared their thoughts and insights about the future of the industry.

In this tipsheet, Top Tips and Trends for PR & Marketing in 2017, we have compiled predictions from industry expects to give you a head start when it comes to the hottest trends in 2017.


Ranging from influencer marketing, the rise in content-led campaigns, the growing importance of reputation management, to the integration between SEO and PR, our top tips will give you all of the inside information you need to prepare the the new year.


Download our Top Tips and Trends for PR & Marketing in 2017 now.

Public Affairs Awards: who were the big winners?

Last night 430 of the country’s leading figures in public affairs came together to celebrate the industry’s best and brightest at the 2016 Public Affairs Awards. The awards were presented by Vuelio and hosted by PRCA, GovKnow and Zetter’s Political Services, and winners were chosen from 22 categories ranging from Consultancy Campaign to Party Fringe Event of the Year.

The Outstanding Contribution award, which was sponsored by Vuelio, went to Iain Anderson, and the Douglas Smith Prize 2016 was awarded to Liz Laurence of Weber Shandwick. EEF walked away with both In-house Team of the Year and Trade Body Campaign of the Year.

Other big winners include the Royal Mail’s ‎Public Affairs Manager Michael Hogg, who won In-house Professional of the Year, and Consultant of the Year Chris White from Newington Communications.

The Enterprise Forum was handed Party Conference Reception of the Year for ‘The Enterprise Forum’s Business Reception’ campaign, while Party Fringe Event of the Year went to Connect Public Affairs. Royal Mail won Party Conference Stand of the Year for its ‘Royal Mail 500 Years’ stand. H+K Strategies won the Social Media Campaign of the Year award for its work and the Planning Campaign of the Year was awarded to Alpaca Communications for its work on ‘Bridge the Gap’.

A big congratulations to all of the night’s winners, and here’s to another fantastic year in public affairs.

Measuring PR Return on Investment

As the lines between PR, marketing, customer services and sales continue to blur, it’s never been more important for PR professionals to accurately monitor and measure the success of their campaigns and activities.


Measuring PR Return on Invest, examines how the PR industry currently measures success, the challenges it faces in order to remain relevant and the various steps it now needs to take to provide greater transparency and accountability.


From Barcelone Principles to proper use of AVE, this essential guide lays down the law on measuring the success of PR campaigns to help you demonstrate the value of your work.


Our new tipsheet tells you how to:


  • Evaluate the current PR industry metrics, from Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE) to the Barcelona Principles
  • Tackle the main challenges when measuring the results and success of your PR activities
  • Properly define objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to effectively measure ROI


Download the tipsheet and find out how you can effectively measure ROI.

Autumn Statement


Phillip Hammond has delivered his first (and last) Autumn Statement as Chancellor.

With the shadow of Brexit looming large over the country’s economy, who were the winners and losers in yesterday’s outline of cuts and funding?
We’ve summarised all the key information and rounded up opinion from stakeholders, journalists and social media – to give you the best chance to prepare for what’s next.

Fill out the form to download it now.

Trump & Brexit: Why are PR Pros so out of touch with “real” people?

Donald Trump’s victory in the US elections has shocked many people and there probably isn’t a group of people who are more shocked than the PR/Comms community.

According to a recent article in PR Week, nearly two-thirds of PR professionals expected Hilary Clinton to win a landslide victory in the presidential race.

The keyword here is “expected” – this article is definitely not about PR/Comms professionals’ personal political opinions or the right or wrongs with any political argument. It’s about understanding our understanding of what the wider general public believe in and want.

PRs and pollsters have to ask, why do we get it wrong?

There are of course many comparisons here with Brexit with the vocal majority of PR and Comms professionals backing the losing side.

The demographics of the PR industry (young, female, educated, metropolitan, etc.) all point to a more liberal view of politics and the world.  I have to wonder if this, some would argue “charmed” position, puts many PR pros at a disadvantage when trying to shape the opinion of the wider public.

As PR pros, we are all focused on the everyday conversation across traditional and social media channels but how tuned in are we to conversations beyond this space?

If we are to continue to shape opinion and remember, many “disaffected” voters view the media and PR industries with a huge degree of cynicism and mistrust, we need to get more granular and learn more about what the man on the street (who doesn’t post his every political thought to the social web or even read the newspapers beyond the sports pages) wants from life (whether we agree with it or not).

Is it time to leave our Ivory towers and start engaging beyond our traditional realms of influence.

We might not always like the outcome of political events – but isn’t it time we had a better understanding of what influences certain political events and wider life in general?

Political communication: when emotion trumps fact

As the world comes to terms with a Trump Presidency, we come to the end of one of the most bitterly fought and divisive campaigns in recent history. In much the same way as the EU referendum, it’s been a campaign where social media played a major role on both sides: it’s also been one where emotion has trumped fact and where the polls were very, very far off the mark in predicting the outcome. How did Trump defy all odds and make it to the White House?

Trump was touted as the ‘king of Twitter’ during this campaign, something which played a huge role in getting his message out in a way his funds wouldn’t have otherwise allowed. He mastered the art of using the platform for publicity, and dominated the presidential election with an antagonistic style that journalists and public alike found hard to resist. This was a smart move from someone without the financial backing that US presidential hopefuls generally need: what he lacked in funds, he made up for in the publicity he generated through his posts.

Furthermore, by tapping into the disillusionment that voters felt towards the political establishment, Trump gave himself plenty of room to bend the truth and push the boundaries in terms of what he promised voters. He framed debate by appealing to emotion rather than details of policy: not only will he build a wall, but he’ll make Mexico pay for it. It has huge appeal to Americans who feel that their immigration concerns aren’t taken seriously but little realistic consideration of the cost or efficacy of the final result.

This isn’t a problem, because these factors don’t really matter. Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder and Trump supporter, summed it up nicely when he said ‘’the media always is taking Trump literally. It never takes him seriously, but it always takes him literally. I think a lot of the voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously, but not literally.”

Like Vote.Leave’s “£350 million to the NHS” claim, this election has shown us that political communication doesn’t need a factual basis if it hits the right spot emotionally. Politicians have always been dishonest: the defining factor of a successful one is that they’re trusted despite this. In the US, Edelman’s Trust Barometer shows a negative correlation between income and trust in government: the lower the income, the less trust exists. As we’ve seen this year, as the political establishment and global institutions have become less representative of lower income voters, the Trump/Farage brand of politician has stepped in to fill the void.

Twitter reacts to Donald Trump’s Victory

Donald Trump’s election as the new president of the free world has created a political earthquake and sent shockwaves through the social media. Here’s how people responded on Twitter.

Comms professionals and bloggers react to Trump’s US election victory

Donald Trump appeared calm and measured during his victory speech, but many are nervous and anxious about a man who will soon become the 45th President of America. With his ten-year-old son by his side and Mike Pence, the new vice president on his right, Trump, despite running a divisive campaign, promised to be a president for ‘all Americans’. Having made countless racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, and homophobic comments, many are sceptical about Trump’s ability to unite a country that is hugely divided.

Trump’s victory will also signal a new era for international relations. Since this morning there has been turbulence in the global stock markets with a fall in the value of the US dollar. Although Trump does not take office until January he has already had an enormous impact on international relations. To evaluate this high-profile communications professionals and bloggers have spoken to us about their reactions to the US election results and what they think future holds.


Rev. Stuart Campbell: Blogger, Wings Over Scotland

Rev Stuart Campbell

“My reaction to the result is horror, and a total lack of surprise. I’ve been predicting constantly since last November that if it came to a contest between Trump and Clinton, Trump would win it, and so it proved. He won because this election wasn’t about voting for a President, it was about voting against one. They were the least popular candidates in history, and at least half the electorate was voting for them only because they thought the other one was worse.

“In that contest, Clinton was by a country mile the worst nominee the Democrats could possibly have put forward. In fact, you couldn’t have designed someone more perfect from Trump’s perspective. He sold himself as the anti-establishment figure – however absurd it is for a billionaire businessman to do that – and Clinton is the absolute ultimate stereotype of a dynastic insider.

“She’s unconvincing as a human being – smug, robotic and patronising – and mired in all sorts of controversy. She makes more money for giving a 60-minute speech to some bankers than most voters can earn in a decade. Who could ever identify with her?

“Her nomination reeked of Buggins’ turn more than any sort of merit. Pretty much any other candidate would have beaten Trump handily, but none of his litany of monstrous traits made Clinton any more likeable, and her campaign was woeful. Much like the Remain campaign in the EU referendum, if she’d simply stayed at home and left the stage to Trump she’d probably have won, but the very sight of her put people’s backs up.

“The Democrats have gotten exactly what they deserved. Whether America has or not remains to be seen.”


Sarah Pinch: Chart.PR FCIPR MIoD


“My reaction to Donald Trump winning the US presidential election was disappointment. Regardless of my personal support, I’m a woman, a working mother and Trump’s policies and rhetoric do not appeal to me in any way. He has made a case all through his campaign to try to undermine women and girls; he’s undermined non-white Americans, and his campaigning was littered with messages of difference and intolerance.

“But in every moment like this there is hope. Hope that women and men who are sleeping activists wake up and take action. We have a responsibility to redress the balance.

“I’m very disappointed that we have still not heard from Hillary Clinton. She needs to stand up and face the music, with dignity quickly.”

“Donald Trump is a media man. In some ways, that may be a good thing. His campaign was successful, so we need to look and understand why. But we must guard against further polarisation of our society. We have a key time as professional communicators to ensure balance, fairness and ethical engagement.”


James Dowling: Head of Public Policy, Lansons


“I believe that Donald Trump winning the election simply increases the level of uncertainty we are seeing. Trump is untested in any elected office, and has proved through this campaign that he does not play by the normal rule book. He will say what he thinks and do what he wants – and has succeeded despite this. This calls into question the role of the US President and the global order. For example, how will he deal with Russia – both in Syria and in Europe. His relationship with Vladimir Putin has been called into question throughout the campaign, so there is a clear sense of uncertainty around whether Russia will feel empowered to push the boundaries further, and how Trump will respond if that happens. He has also said he would ‘dismantle’ the nuclear deal with Iran – a deal that was only agreed in 2015, after years of negotiation. On global trade, Trump has vowed to scrap the ‘TTIP’ deal with the EU and the Trans Pacific Partnership. He will also rewrite the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement.

“However, Trump’s election also brings opportunity. The capture of congress by the Republicans gives the US an opportunity to pass real and life changing legislation. Americans have been sick of the gridlock that has occurred in Government and may see this as an opportunity. If he can work with Capitol Hill, President Trump will enjoy huge power to deliver on a number of areas. He has promised corporation tax reform – this may now be possible. For the UK, Trump has cited Brexit as an inspiration and promised a free trade deal. Despite the wider uncertainties, this may well help the UK as it pivots from Europe to the wider world.

“In relation to the global impact the new president will have on the comms industry, I think it simply adds to the uncertainty we are seeing. Comms professionals are able to help their clients understand how to react – and to deal with their key audiences. Some of the lessons we are learning from Brexit are relevant here too.

“The firms that will profit are those that best understand the nature of the challenge, and can respond accordingly. For businesses exporting to or highly dependent on the US market, the comms world can help clients speak to those who can help them push or manage their concerns in the UK and the US – whether with Government, regulators or investors. Domestically, there is a risk that this feeds a wider sense of uncertainty which could translate to further caution in consumer spending. Consumer-facing organisations will need help to respond – communications professionals are best-placed to help them do so.”


Sarah Hall: founder and editor of #FuturePRoof, and CIPR President-Elect 2017

Sarah Hall three quarter

“Trump’s victory goes to show we truly are living in a post-fact era. His success underlines what happens when politicians appeal to the emotions regardless of whether what they are saying is true.

“Despite communicating the potentially catastrophic consequences of having someone unqualified and inexperienced at the helm, Clinton’s campaign was not strong enough to fight underlying anxieties about terrorism and national security, which Trump fed with passionate rhetoric.

“The FBI’s unprecedented intervention a week before voting seriously damaged Clinton’s campaign, creating further trust issues, and no amount of celebrity advocacy was able to disguise her unpopularity with many.

“The fact that in a reality show obsessed society, a TV reality star has been elected as the President of America must also be seen as a contributing factor, creating cut through and a sense of commonality for Trump with the masses.”

Hitachi Rail

Office for Students

What does Russia need? Gunship diplomacy or better PR?

From the ongoing crisis in Syria, troop movements close to EU borders, warships sailing through the English Channel and accusations of conducting cyber warfare against Western targets and widespread doping in Olympic sports, the Russian’s aren’t getting a lot of good press in the UK at the moment.

And while some of this “news” is undoubtedly part of the tabloid press’s constant desire to scare the wits out of the general public and find a boogie man to replace Osama Bin Laden as the next big threat to global civilisation, it’s clear Russia does have a bit of an image problem in Western Europe.

With this in mind, it’s little wonder the Russian state is reportedly looking to spend between $30-50 million per year with Western PR agencies to clean up its image.

According to PR Week, an anonymous source from the Kremlin has confirmed that the Russian government is looking to hire three or four “leading Western PR agencies”.

However, it appears the search for the right PR partners is proving rather difficult.

Dmitry Peskov, press secretary to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, told journalists: “There have been two attempts to attract other foreign companies. However, their work has not satisfied us. Still, there is a possibility that Ketchum’s replacement might be found by the end of the year.”

PR firm Ketchum has a long history of working with the Russian government and the state-owned natural gas company Gazprom – but has confirmed it won’t be bidding for the work.

A number of London-based firms, including Bell Pottinger and Portland, declined journalists’ requests as to whether they would be pitching for the work.

While any PR contracts commissioned by the Russian government are going to be incredibly lucrative, it’s clear that taking on such work might also raise some ethical questions.

Is brand Russia too toxic to touch or is it just misunderstood and in need of a little PR?

Collaboration is key to the future of public affairs

Design, engineering and project management consultancy Atkins hosted an Intelligent Mobility summit this week, which brought together the biggest industry names to discuss the future of transport design and delivery. Speakers discussed everything from decreasing emissions to the impact of autonomous vehicles on our quality of life, but one of the key points of the conference wasn’t so much what they talked about, but the theme of cross-sectoral, cross party collaboration which ran through it.  

The variety of guests points towards a broader, and more open, approach to lobbying and public affairs. Government, academia, clients, providers and business leaders came together for a frank discussion of the opportunities and threats which will likely arise in the future and, far from being a closed doors session between industry and government, this was an open policy discussion.

It also wasn’t a single issue conference: the variety of guests meant everyone had their own take on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector.  Tough questions were posed to speakers, ranging from the government’s bureaucratic tender process to the environmental impact of encouraging a new transport boom in the form of autonomous cars.

Despite the disparate group of guests, there was broad agreement on one thing: there needs to be real collaboration between the transport, infrastructure, digital and housing sectors in the future if the UK is going to successfully counteract the challenges facing each one. There was a ready acceptance that there isn’t enough being done to get cross-industry representatives round the same table, and because of their interdependence, this means a risk of duplication between sectors if this isn’t done.